Friday, March 30, 2018

While I Weep, Your Guitar Gently Plays

Desire for the Earth
Your name means "valiant fighter".

I wrote this poem about you, months ago, before I went looking for the song below. I had sent you a different version from this one, during a conversation about guitar solos. 

The Light From Outside

Wherever you are, now
you’re not my brother anymore.
You’re someone else.
I don’t know how I felt the change.
You’re someone who exists as
Desire for the Earth.
You want things to happen here
for the people you love,
and yet, you don’t want to be here anymore,
not part of it, in the same way as you were, before.
You are quite relieved, I feel. So deeply and thoroughly relieved.
There aren’t any seas as deep as the relief you feel.

One day, I listened to your music for quite a while,
for longer than seemed wise.
I used my hands to feel the solid flesh of my arms
and cushions, and the drape of the sheet.
The shadows around the room were warm and not lonely.
The lights from the cars outside,
all going home at the end of their days
were cast low to the ground,
meeting the road with every revolution, very much here.

But I didn’t feel tears start to well up
until many songs had been played and replayed.
And that seems good.
You are starting to be part of 
feelings outside of grief, now.
You don’t live within its confines as much.
I think that will be more and more
the case.

And seeing the word, case
I’ll now make a bad pun
and think of you as the guitar that is no longer in its case.
But you’re not your guitar
and not your music.
I know that I am not the words I write, not the thoughts I think a few seconds
before I type them. I’m not all of these feelings.
I don’t know what I am, but I think someday,
we will recognize each other enough that it won’t
seem strange at all to just 
start seeing, instead, what we both want
for the Earth.

Now that you're gone, and there will be no more two-sided conversations, I wanted to write and attach this song to my poem. This video came up that I'd never seen before, with all of its uncanny images. Every string of my heart wishes this could have been your fate, instead. And maybe, now it is.

No more performing or teaching and not getting paid, no more worrying about the sale of your gifts, no more being controlled by what you could not conquer, no more cheap hotel rooms, canceled gigs, bait and switch, no more buying and selling your guitar. You are with the right ones, now. They delivered you from all that was unbearable. And those of us here, we still love you and thank you.
Carlos Santana plays George Harrison, accompanied by Indie Arie and Yo-Yo Ma

I look at you all, see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps.
I don't know why nobody told you
How to unfold your love
I don't know how someone controlled you
They bought and sold you.
I look at the world and I notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps.
I don't know how you were diverted
You were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted
No one alerted you.
I look at you all, see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
Look at you all
Still my guitar gently weeps.

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